Friday, February 13, 2004

Well I am giving the blog thing a try, since I love to ramble about my day and my life.
Today is cold for N. Texas and they are predicting snow tonight and tomorrow! I'm excited! Even though it won't stick as the high tomorrow is 40. :(
I barely slept last night, money woes and life running through my head, it was after 4am by the time I finally fell asleep, and then I was up again at 6, then 9. I can blame the Allegra-D's but I only take one a day now so that they won't give me insomnia.
No big valentine's day plans for Jim and I, we are so broke right now it's not even funny. We will probably do what we do every weekend, stay in and watch tv. Woopee! LOL
Well that's about it for now.

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